Choose Adventure

Brownie Bites 6.20.24

Dear Reader, Happy day before the Solstice! Today is about choosing adventure to change your life.

Take the Leap and Choose Adventure

"Be careful,” an acquaintance said to me, after I finished telling her about an adventure in my personal life.

I was excited, full of nervous energy.

Bursting with butterflies, I was bounding like a little spright. What a beautiful feeling, juxtaposed between being queasy and vibrating.

Something you feel before a first date, or walking into a new job, or going on stage for a play. It’s beautiful and terrifying.

I live for this feeling.

Every time I’ve changed my life, I’ve had to take a risk. It has never failed me, even when I failed :).

Yet every time I have chosen the adventure, I’ve had more naysayers than not.

If you tell me to be careful, you are living out of fear. You are choosing the known and predictable vs. adventure.

Everyone has the ability to life their life as if it is the greatest story ever told.

But it takes shifting your mindset: a leap of faith.

Sense of Integrity or Despair

Erik Erikson, the psychoanalyst who coined the term identity crisis, grouped humans into 8 behavioral phases.

In the late adulthood phase he said people either have a feeling of "integrity" or "despair."

Spoiler alert: those who had regret for the things they did not do felt despair.

Clearly we'd all prefer feeling a sense of integrity. Choosing adventure helps ensure a life well lived.

My Brownie Bites Takeaway on Choosing Adventure

Take Mini Vacations

Sometimes even a night or two away can shift the perspective, and increase the chances of meeting new people and finding inspiration. Sometimes I pretend I'm a tourist in the city I live so I can see things with new eyes.

Take the Scenic Route

My dog and I purposely went hours out of our way to stop by Valentine, Texas. I had always wanted to see the Prada Marfa art exhibit. It was worth the detour, and we ended up meeting other cool people staying at the same place that evening.

Believe in Your Story

You are the protagonist in your own story, and you have the ability to choose whether it is a love story, or a tragic tale of woe. Your attitude, staying curious, and being open to new things clears the road to adventure.

Choose adventure! See you in two weeks.


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