Visualize your way to wellness

Brownie Bites 5.24.24

Dear Reader, Happy Friday and happy Memorial Day weekend! Today is about the power of visualization and how we can reframe our mindset.

Let's get started!

Visualize Your Way to Wellness

Did you know that visualizing can help us feel better, improve athletic performance, and improve work productivity?

We can imagine our way to a better state of mind.

This week, Maddy, my acupuncturist asked:

“What form of water do you want to be?”

She was asking me to visualize a form of water to emulate. It could be vapor, steam, or a waterfall, a slowly moving stream, a bouncy river.

Maddy wanted me to take back control of my emotions and reactions. I’d had my ego bruised a few nights prior and was restless, disappointed, unclear.

What form of water did I want to be?

I thought about it and decided I wanted to be the pool on top of my roof deck. Reflecting the sun, a sanctuary from the busy streets below in the heart of Boston.

A stillness, yet slight ripples.

Peaceful. Not stagnant, but not erratic.

Visualizing myself as water in a pool immediately re-centered me. I no longer felt stressed. I floated out of Maddy’s office and floated down Newbury Street.

Then I floated myself into the very pool I visualized.

It’s been 4 days and counting, and anytime I feel stressed or triggered by an event out of my control, I’ve imagined myself as the water in the pool.

I visualized my way to a more regulated state.

As we enter this long weekend, how do you want to feel? Can you visualize your way to a balanced, peaceful state of mind?

Travel to Reset

I'll be in San Francisco and the Bay Area next week as a reset.

Sometimes we require a different perspective. We can visualize quite a bit, but we can also travel.

I'm a day late with this newsletter because I was distracted.

I had hibernated all winter and when the good weather hit Boston, I started going out almost every night. It is time for me to find a happy medium.

For me, traveling is a way to immediately rebalance.

How do you reset? Let me know by replying to this email!

I'll see you in two weeks!

Yours in wellness,


28 Exeter, Boston, MA 02116
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